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High Wizard & Professor Skill reworks


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Dear GM,

I would like to suggest that to rework on H.Wizard & Professor.

Classic RO already 20 years, during that time many skills especially need to click to cast, like H.Wiz Magic Amplifier, Professor Double casting.
Mage class has the most of highest number of active skills to cast, it getting more when their job is higher.
Magic Amplifier and Double casting needed to use many times to ensure damage output.
When hotkey input more skills, controlling on this classes are getting more difficult.

In ROX and ROO, they rework many of their self buffs into passive, have natural "Phen" card effect. For me, this makes mage class become more flexible and versatile.
H.Wiz can have high speed magic crusher, sage has passive double casting or long range atk + auto cast.
This really makes mage class more playful and this classes still can play well even with very basic equipment.

Most of private server has very low numbers of players. I think only old fans will still enjoying classic RO.
Classic Mage really difficult to play alone and leveling with basic equipment, that's why I felt that Mages class has lowest user in classic RO.
Then this will restricting players to try other job(s). This makes private server usually has unbalance of jobs.

Im not meaning to make it exactly same like mobile RO, still have to considering balance of the game too.

Hope GM could consider this suggestion.

From Player: Jexx

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Hmmm, this is interesting but at the current meta actually you can have no cast with the proper items in the server since we already have some - FCT reduction items and from my recent update I also reduced some of the skills CT and FCT.

I will try and check with the team if we can do this or not.

Thank you for your suggestion!

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Appreciate your replying. ☺️

My starter character in ROX and ROO was Mage class. Im royal mage user actually. 😝
Personally, I have different opinion on instant casting. Im prefer fast casting rather than instant casting.
In classic RO, we need many of item & Eq to make it until instant cast (dex 150)
With this, mage can be powerful later but it is restricting different build of mage too.
Couldn't distribute to other stat, because classic RO has no natural phen effect on mage.
So instant cast became like "must-achieve" target for mage user. It is attracting but I dislike it because of imbalance.

In Mobile one, they shorten total casting time. With low dex, casting still comfortable to perform (casting not stopped when hit by small dmg)
Example like (Not actual calculation, my experience-based)
Mobile RO
Dex 50: Casting time: 1 Sec.
Dex 100: Casting time 0.5 sec.
Player can choose their mage build because gap is not too big. That's why some player play AGI H.Wiz and Professor.

Classic RO
Dex 50: Casting: 5 sec. << Easily disturb by mobs.
Dex 100: Casting 1 sec. << Need to put huge point.
Player has no choice. Forever Dex & Int.

I saw recent changelog of some skills, so Im believe that Havoc team has good passion to make game better.
This changing is great actually. 😆

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